Fire Sprinklers protect your home and save lives.
Whether your property is new or over 100 years old, it can be
realistically and cost effectively fitted with a fire sprinklers
system... the best protection available.
Sprinklers provide peace of mind
Each of us runs a 1 in 5 chance of being involved in a serious
house fire during our lifetime. The young and the elderly are most
vulnerable. home sprinkler system supplies inbuilt
fire-fighters, on duty at all times, to take away the worry.
Sprinklers are not susceptible to accidental discharge nor do they
detract from the interior design, but they do protect your home
and loved ones in the event of a fire.
Good business sense
Sprinkler systems open up opportunities.
Fire sprinkler systems can significantly reduce clients
building costs, gain them architectural flexibility and add value.
We work with developers, hydraulically designing bespoke fire
sprinkler systems for each new house type and commissioning the
sprinkler system prior to occupancy. Our fire sprinkler system is
one of Europe's most advanced and provides an impressive
competitive edge.
A recognised Authority on Sprinklers:-
"Domestic sprinklers could reduce fire deaths in the home by
90%. The Fire Brigade is developing a number of partnerships to
promote the installation of sprinklers in private homes, halls of
residence, care homes, houses in multiple occupancy and other such
East Sussex Fire Authority Community Fire Safety Action Report
See more on
Sprinkler Systems
For information on Plumis Automist water mist fire
suppression systems see
If you are interested in
Fire Sprinkler systems for your home or business please complete
this quick online form and we will arrange for someone to contact
you to discuss your requirements in more detail.
Contact us